Monday, October 3, 2016


Hello my beautiful friends! I only have a few quick thoughts for you today, so you won't have to put up with me for too long this time haha. Anyways! Here goes.

- The Saturday afternoon session of general conference was really really special for me. Not just the talks, but the choir.

Choir members from the Missionary Training Center singing "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go"

Singing called to serve

with the missionary choir pulled on my heart chords in a way I'll never be able to explain. It was surreal. It strengthened my faith once again in this beautiful work to which I've been called - and I really do love it with all my heart. I cannot even begin to explain  to you all the depth of my love for this work. I've developed a love for the Italian people that will forever be in my heart. And more than that, my love for the Lord has grown more than I could've ever hoped for. I remember before the mission when people used to say "missions are forever" I'd think "nah when I'm done I'm done". But my eyes have been opened, and the most beautiful thing I've realized is that this service needs not end. My commitment didn't begin when I put the tag on and it will not end when I take it off. The beauty of the gospel is that we are all called to serve Him, our heavenly king of glory, and that is a calling that has no end. We can serve him as we serve faithfully in our church callings, whatever it may be. We can serve him as we reach out to others in need. We can serve him as we go to the temple. We can serve him as we pray for opportunities to find those people who are ready. For me it is a mercy that God allows us to be instruments in his hands to bring about this glorious work.

- Telling my companions I love them. It's been on my mind a lot lately, and it wasn't until last week when a friend reminded me that I need to tell them often that I really took it seriously. There's been a lot of things that I've learned from being in a trio. Sometimes, it's REALLY hard. But when it gets hard, the choice is up to us to either make it better or leave it as it is. Three words can make all the difference. I can promise you all that when moments of anger and frustration come, if you'll say those three words, you will find greater peace and happiness and unity in your homes and in your relationships. Above all, you'll find greater love for God. It reminded me of a quote that Pres. Uchtdorf used in his talk from women's conference

from the little prince aka one of the best books ever. He said "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.” Just something to think about.

- You are where you need to be. Take comfort and take heart. The path we've been called to walk may not always be clear, but we know where we're going. I was reading through my journal the other day and read this: "before you find the promised land, you will always have to sail over a sea of doubt, trial, and confusion. The good news though? The wind is blowing in the right direction. That doesn't mean the waves won't push you back, but you'll get there eventually. No, I don't know the will of God perfectly, but I know where he wants me to go and I know he'll help me get there. It will be a lot of trial and error - a lot of days where I slip back aways. But if I continue on, I know I'll get there." That's a beautiful promise for me that God has given to all of us. He doesn't expect us to know everything. All he asks is that we keep pressing forward. You'll get there☺️

- Continue to make general conference an amazing experience. Don't let it end here. I promise you'll find answers. I personally came away with lots of answers, but I also found many more questions that I didn't have at first. I know as we read and reread these talks and study them and pray about them often, our minds will be enlightened and we'll find answers to whatever question we may have.

There's so many things I wish I could be. Better at this, at that, better with Italian, better at planning, at using my time well. But the sweetest truth for me is that God loves me still. I promise each and every single one of you that God is aware of you and loves you so much! Keep lifting and keep pushing this great work forward in whatever way you can.

This past week was full of lots of cool things! We went up to Ascoli for p day with the district

and learned how to play tennis

and went for a hike.

I also got to play soccer with anziano Campbell for a few minutes. He played for la roca when he was in Utah and it was one of the happiest moments. I miss soccer so much😭 we also had some cool lessons with our investigators! They came to conference too, and that was a huge blessing. They all got some answers, and that only strengthened my testimony that this church is the truth. Aaannndddd we may or may not be having another mission tour on October 20th in Rome. A general authority is coming! Not sure whether I'm allowed to say who it is or not, but it's something to look forward to.

Voglio ognuno di voi un mondo di bene!

Che la gloria sia sempre a Dio

Anz Hansen

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